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If yes, explain:Yes No CONSENT AND PERMISSION TO CONDUCT A BACKGROUND SEARCH In connection with my application for coaching, I understand that an investigative consumer report may be requested that will include information as to my character, work habits, performance and experience. I understand that as directed by Jefferson County Midget Football Association and JMFA you may be requesting information from public and private sources about my: court record, credentials, references. I acknowledge that a telephonic facsimile (FAX) or photographic copy shall be as valid as the original. This release is valid for most federal, state and county agencies. I hereby authorize, without reservation, any law enforcement agency, institution, information service bureau, school, employer reference or insurance company contacted by Jefferson County Midget Football Association or its agent, to furnish the information described above. The following information is required by law enforcement agencies and other entities for positive identification purposes when checking public records. It is confidential and will not be used for any other purposes. I hereby release JMFA and agents and all personal agencies, and entities providing information or reports about me from any and all liability arising out of the requests for or release of any of the above mentioned information or reports. Printed name SignatureDateNFHS COACHES CODE OF ETHICS The function of a coach is to educate students through participation in interscholastic competition. An interscholastic program should be designed to enhance academic achievement and should never interfere with opportunities for academic success. Each student-athlete should be treated as though he or she were the coaches own, and his or her welfare should be uppermost at all times. Accordingly, the following guidelines for coaches have been adopted by the NFCA Board of Directors. The coach shall be aware that he or she has a tremendous influence, for either good or ill, on the education of the student-athlete and, thus, shall never place the value of winning above the value of instilling the highest ideals of character. The coach shall uphold the honor and dignity of the profession. In all personal contact with student-athletes, officials, athletic directors, school administrators, the state high school athletic association, the media, and the public, the coach shall strive to set an example of the highest ethical and moral conduct. The coach shall take an active role in the prevention of drug, alcohol and tobacco abuse. The coach shall avoid the use of alcohol and tobacco products when in contact with players. The coach shall promote the entire interscholastic program of the school and direct his or her program in harmony with the total school program. The coach shall master the contest rules and shall teach them to his or her team members. The coach shall not seek an advantage by circumvention of the spirit or letter of the rules. The coach shall exert his or her influence to enhance sportsmanship by spectators, both directly and by working closely with cheerleaders, pep club sponsors, booster clubs, and administrators. The coach shall respect and support contest officials. The coach shall not indulge in conduct which would incite players or spectators against the officials. Public criticism of officials or players is unethical. Before and after contests, coaches for the competing teams should meet and exchange cordial greetings to set the correct tone for the event. A coach shall not exert pressure on faculty members to give student-athletes special consideration. A coach shall not scout opponents by any means other than those adopted by the league and/or state high school athletic association. JMFA COACHES CODE OF ETHICS Preamble All JMFA football coaches must realize the game is played for the benefit of the participants. An emphasis will be placed on developing life long values. Coaches are role models and will set positive examples for players, parents, and spectators. The Code of Ethics has been developed to stress operating within specific coaching guidelines that brings credit to the team and JMFA. Article One - Responsibilities to Players A coach must be aware of the influence he has on his players. All actions are expected to follow the rules of proper sportsmanship and respect the dignity of his players and the opposition. All coaching techniques and decisions will be within the rules of the game. Every effort must be made to abide by high principles that promote mutual respect between the coach and his players. It is in the best interest of all for the coach to consult trained medical personnel when injuries take place. The orders of the physician or certified athletic trainer must be followed. Medication and treatment should be administered only with the direction of a physician or trained medical personnel. All coaches are expected to know eligibility rules and apply them uniformly. Prime consideration must be given to the academic performance of the players. Article Two - Responsibility to JMFA The primary function of the coach is to educate players through participation in the game of football. A coach is a representative of JMFA and is expected to conduct himself in a manner that brings credit to the organization. All football players are expected to follow school policies and will be reminded by the coach to seek academic success. The coach must be sensitive to the fact that he is responsible for promoting a positive image for the program in the district. Article Three - Rules of the Game The rules and suggestions in the CHSAA Rule Book and JMFA Rules are an integral part of the code and must be followed. Every coach has a responsibility to know the rules and to teach them to his players. The coach will promote sportsmanship and respect for the opponent through teaching proper techniques . Proper blocking, tackling, alignment, use of the clock, etc. will be promoted through maintaining high ethical standards in practice and games. Coaches should stress that on field communication should be between teammates only. Good sportsmanship habits are formed on the practice field. The coach will provide direction to guarantee that proper standards are followed at all times. Article Four - Officials Officials will have the respect and support of the coaches and players. Comments during and after the game must focus on the players. Coaches and officials are required to attend JMFA Rules Interpretation Meetings and stay informed on rule changes. Players should be made aware how rules are interpreted. Officials should be treated in a courteous manner. Concerns about officials should be expressed to the JMFA in writing. Quick decisions must be made during games and officials will make the best decision at the time. Article Five - Public Relations Use courtesy, honesty, and respect in all dealings. Professional, school, and family matters must be kept private. Comments about upcoming games should be limited to promoting the contest. Coaches will maintain a level of professionalism that will transcend any reference to predicting outcomes. Article Six - Scouting It is considered ethical to scout opponents only during games or agreed upon scrimmages. The head coach is responsible for the actions of his scouts. Video scouting is acceptable as long as it is done from the stands. Article Seven - Other Responsibilities Before and after the game opposing coaches should meet and exchange greetings. Coaches should help to improve sportsmanship The coach should limit his comments about the game to members of his team and encourage his players to do the same. It is ethical to limit all rewards, celebrations, etc. to the team and to respect the dignity of the opponent. The coach must follow all rules and regulations as determined by JMFA policy. I_______________________________ understand and accept the requirements and guidelines set forth in this document and agree to abide and be bound by all statements and information contained herein. I further attest that all information provided herein by me is true and accurate. 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