Ice HockeyGoalie Academy KK2KRLLibrary98@F Skate QuestKCDrill Station 3 - Ball Buster{\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang1033\b\f0\fs17 Station 3 - Ball Buster\par } L1 v 1 and 2 v2 in the corner Nets facing corner, goalie in each net Coach throws puck into corner and Xs and Os BATTLE for the puck with controlled fanaticism! Extra Xs and Os support on the outside of the playing area marked by an line boxed around the corner. If players do not battle, they skate until they are ready to work. J Ice Hockey& CShapeIceRinkCShapeHockeyNetZ. . CShapeLine CShapeChar;<('G AgTG m`~tX vO EkXO ?hSO X X 6SX|GgX YmX >^`OrX 91[ZJEX X <'X =Af.QO Gp[O C"lWO ,O :,cNO 'O N wbC C CShapePuckLxb"F0"$A+"F[r:\""??U"""9N8"]~CShapeWaveFreehand00000 ] 2v2 Behind the Net Rover{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\b\f0\fs17 2v2 Behind the Net Rover\par } {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs17 Players play 2v2 & battle in front of the net.\par \par The rover plays behind the net and plays for the team on offense & can rotate to either side.\par \par On a turnover the transitioning team must feed the puck to the rover to take over on offense.\par \par Change on the fly.\par } & Ice Hockey X 222X X cccX ~~~X X O O O GGGO O '''O G 777F1CShapeArrowLine77]A,hM"CShapeDashLine2 Rover{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\b\f0\fs17 Rover\par } {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs17 Each Team starts out with one designate Dman and Offensive player who must remain on their respective side of the ice (note blue line).\par \par Third player on each team is a Rover who can play both sides of the ice.\par \par Continuous 2 v 2, change on the fly\par \par Focus On:\par Qucik Transitions\par Quick Passes, shots and Decisions\par }  Ice HockeyppZp r  333G G MMMO O USUSUSO X !!!X X"~~~CShapeStopLine' AjRcE7CShapeDoubleLine oooX X X O '''O O GGGO 2 pt - 1 pt{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\b\f0\fs17 2 pt - 1 pt\par } A{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs17 Game is played 3v3\par \par Players receive 2 points for completing a crisp, hard pass and receiver picking it up or receiving on the move (coaches decision) and 1 point for scoring a goal.\par \par Teams play to 50\par \par Players must focus on communication, constant movement and moving to space & supporting the puck carrier in order to generate passes.\par \par Players change on the fly and come to the bench with their sticks up.\par } >Offensive Tactics Ice Hockey--Z- X AiX <X X v>fO {CO {O DlO P*O ^@O  hkEO A!X i@X pnX GC"```""OOO"   "JJJ"""""E) Lacrosse{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\b\f0\fs17 Lacrosse\par } {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs17 Played 4v4, One man on each side stays back on D & One man on each side plays attack and must stay in the offensive zone at all times. Players can switch up, but make sure there's only three players in the offensive/attack zone. Must make 2 passes before any shot can be taken.\par \par Focus on quick transitions from defense to offense, quick passes & shots & constant movement\par } J Ice Hockey,,Z, ~X cyX 8dNX <&X X X _uO -YCO O O dzO x&G G zX E<q)[X :_>L(Xm [,oO /X;C%O WmO D>1(X";m;m;mV(5E#H`E9EGZ7+ zzzO 2v2 w/ Activator2v2 w/ Activator2v2 w/ activator in each corner direct pass must be made from one player to activator and then they join that team. Can be 3v3 or 4v2 30 sec shifts, one pass before shotsJ Ice Hockey /XYZ(] vG vU(G _X _=jX _$X _mX 7X c=X 2X}WX kGtO k?O kO f6cO #QvL~O `sO RO s: C"Y3_yI"zSi"-YC"Tt"z"`  Fighting Sioux{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\b\f0\fs17 Fighting Sioux\par } {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs17 Gilligan's Island Rules\par \par Played 3v3 w/2 Gilligans and 2 Defenders on the Gilligans. Gilligans can't shoot unless they've received a pass, at which point the Gilligan may move to island at the top of the faceoff circle.\par \par Defenders must cover the Gilligans and always follow them when they move.\par \par On a turnover, the team w/puck possession must pass to one of the Gilligans to be able to attack the goal.\par \par Focus on: Quick passes and movement and support of puck carrier. Defenders must pick up Gilligan's (Point Defense) and stay with them if they move.\par } J" Ice Hockey (G CShapePolygon[h[[HÀD^XD?^^ÀDDD BBBG G X <<<O    O ;;;O KnKnKnX X"tttEEcABV{< FFFX X X {{{O ,,,O O G GatesGates>{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs17 X v. O\par Teams score by making clean, crisp, undeflected, tape-to-tape passes to teammate through a "gate" set of cones. Players can score as many times as possible by simply passing back and forth.\par Any team can score between any gate.\par Support and pressure are keys to this game.\par Teammates must skate away from pressure and support each other to score\par 30-40 seconds or until goal.\par \b MUST SKATE FULL SPEED!!!!!\b0\par } J Ice Hockey . CShapeCone,D.X݀'S݀r݀;݀W ݀>jFT .$X 2I=X "9-O +@5O"/qPE|c,FM'' $:gMFFM',Ly yR. sLLyEGL Q Fighting Sioux{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\b\f0\fs17 Fighting Sioux\par } {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs17 Gilligan's Island Rules\par \par Played 3v3 w/2 Gilligans and 2 Defenders on the Gilligans. Gilligans can't shoot unless they've received a pass, at which point the Gilligan may move to island at the top of the faceoff circle.\par \par Defenders must cover the Gilligans and always follow them when they move.\par \par On a turnover, the team w/puck possession must pass to one of the Gilligans to be able to attack the goal.\par \par Focus on: Quick passes and movement and support of puck carrier. Defenders must pick up Gilligan's (Point Defense) and stay with them if they move.\par } J" Ice Hockey (GÀ[h[[HÀD^XD?^^ÀDDD BBBG G X <<<O    O ;;;O KnKnKnX X"tttEEcABV{< FFFX X X {{{O ,,,O O G Slider{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\b\f0\fs17 Slider\par } {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs17 Played 4v4 with 2 stationary support players stationed on wings on each side.\par \par Teams attempt to move puck to get shots on goal. When puck is moved to one of the stationary players, the opposite stationary player, may drive to goal and set up a back door scoring opportunity.\par \par Focus on: Quick passes, puck support, creating two on ones and back door scoring opportunities.\par } t Ice HockeyNNZN N|X 9gX 'X /|WU(X   h9X bl;=X iBX"dddV EzEw9A3E YLG d8 G [[[O (((O NkNkNkO O O DDDO O O Slider{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\b\f0\fs17 Slider\par } S{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs17 Played 4v4 with 2 stationary support players stationed on wings on each side.\par \par Teams attempt to move puck to get shots on goal. When puck is moved to one of the stationary players, the opposite stationary player, may drive to goal and set up a back door scoring opportunity.\par \par Two skating players move to support after moving puck up ice quickly and look to create options in high slot and/or point area. Slider who receives puck can read play and move puck to man in best position to receive pass & shoot. On shot other players crash net while defense attempts to keep front of net clear.\par \par Focus on: Quick passes, puck support, creating two on ones and back door scoring opportunities.\par } % Ice Hockey{_{_Z{_ $V=X fX @r&YX 0vbIX x!X"E t' G @w[O  O 2>n"PO 3*jfNHO qkO :^qU|O f!]?O )%`aDCO > X fvXEsVrZ3 q/q/q/G  | | |XVA4` Coaches Quarterback Game{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\b\f0\fs17 Coaches Quarterback Game\par } {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs17 Players line up at blue line and coach dumps puck in zone. At same time coach calls out the situation: 1v1, 2v2, 2v1, 3v2 and players react to situation and play the round at that situation. On turnover, defense must skate puck to space and make a strong pass to the coach and then transition to offense, but man situation remains the same until whistle and line change.\par } J Ice Hockey etX e}NX p X `X lO w/^O q9 O qO q2aO '6G o@C vN'X "*pIYX -#O tO"E'x-,E1--B11?VVjEE1-AV9Z Rover Breakout/Support Game{\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang1033\b\f0\fs17 Rover Breakout/Support Game\par } X{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs17 Game is played 2v2 (3v3 on larger ice) with a rover (could be two on larger ice surface) and if playing support rules players can pass to rover for support. Game is player between goallines (no pressure on rovers). Pass has to go to rover and rover return to one of the two skaters before a shot can occur.\par \par Game can also be played 2v2 where rovers receive a puck and generate a breakout from which the team can then attack the opponent in a 2v2 situation.\par } J Ice Hockey)ooZo`c ``  XA A. 6_JOAhJ JAE1 C C"###"222"///""999""""" X X X X [[[X NNNO O O pppO 111O O O X IIIXEjVEZGpc  2 v 2 Build Up Game2 v 2 Build Up GameStarts 2 v 2 and additional players can be added by making 2 passes to the first player in line. Can become 4 v4 max. 30 second shifts. Focus on quick passes, quick shotsi Ice HockeyVbZ1 /U fG fHG xX x+|SX x%X rwX t9aO t2 O tO t2ZO C"r+WA"R~h"G1"} 7!"x"}|"" 5[9]X  aL*X {d?O  pjEOEm"Pq"H+ Mixing Bowl Mixing BowlOPlay 3 v 3. One pass must be made before a shot. Team that scores must retrieve a puck behind the goal they score on & go the other way. 3 new players replace the team that got scored on. Focus on quick transitions & regroups Quick transitions from offense to defense, quick passes & shots Constant movement to get open 5 Ice Hockey$aWZ( -h."h"8|~["|"\d|"Rj"&FlvI^"&lI""Jm"v"^`=v"L|d"8L~|[d [M1|X s*X UM1vX O O2mO ssO aG m1sRG" OA,) X uP/X }MnX }X ~O ~]~O ~ L+O zO zwO $fEC- 3 v 3 Score on any net3 v 3 Score on any net J Ice Hockey /R(ZYX nX [.X z X z]X fLyO q?O qO qj=O ?C"o-YC"8dN"C-"" "y  X dX 3~`X3X bO LyO ?OESN kEG v.G TerrierTerrierE2 v 1 in Offensive Zone. Goals can only be scored inside circle. If puck is brought inside circle, then both offense must touch puck inside circle before goal is scored. Rule is waived for pucks being passed from outside circle to teammate inside circle. If goal is scored outside circle, the offense still retains puck. J Ice HockeySUZ /]W kqDG kG R?,X R?,X T7ydX O 0j=O  +e8O SUx(X |X y0]X y.X ybX uO u\/O uYO {O h;C"y]r""x"y" "m Alternating 3v2 AdvantageAlternating 3v2 AdvantageOne side starts with and plays with a 3 men vs. 2 men until the coach blows whistle On whistle line change occurs and opposite team gets 3 men vs. 2 Focus on constant movement, passing and support to get shotsJ Ice HockeyS*Z[ /X k: G `9 G ~X ?X zBoX uX q<@iO q9@ O q@O q&@SO ~?C"o>jT"8dN"Yo""" ?@O kE@O JW@sO  sW1X mXE d9 Everyone Loves Ice Cream{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\b\f0\fs17 Everyone Loves Ice Cream\par } U{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs17 Play 3 v 3\par \par A puck is sent in. Team with possession must look for pass options. When a player passes the puck, they must go touch a cone on the opposite side of the ice before they re-enter the play. At least two passes must be made before a shot can be taken.\par \par Focus on: Using the full width of the ice. Force players to cross skating lanes instead of staying on the same side of the ice the entire play. Quick, close passes, Quick shots.\par } J Ice Hockey!LLZL݀EEE݀݀:\:\:\݀DDD C"444"TTT"ccc",,,"HHH"HHH"rrr""""   "   """ X 666X xxxX O d\d\d\O X X X O G GE  Anchorage 2 on 3Anchorage 2 on 33 defenders and 2 attackers If Defenders get possession of the puck, they must 1. skate away from pressure and teammates must help support to keep puck away from 2 attackers who are pressuring. Defenders score by passing to a coach who wanders. Defenders can only pass to the coach if his/her stick blade is on the ice. If the blade is off the ice, they must continue to skate from pressure and support and keep away from attackers. Attackers score by going on offense and scoring. J Ice HockeyZ. . Gm  C Ao XX X #'Q_:CX"hECEli !:O K/O,&=&=&=&=&= KhK bGz+C G UlX )X X Q7ojSO -O"E:.,| |V,]5 |E`  "3 on 3 Two Pass Minimum (SUPPORT!)"3 on 3 Two Pass Minimum (SUPPORT!)e3 v. 3 cross ice game offensive players must make two passes to teammates before they can attack the goal to score Emphasis on support for the offense and pressure and denying support on defense 30-40 second shifts Objective, skate to support teammate in order to keep the puck and to attempt to score goals! Movement is of the utmost importance here!J Ice HockeyTZ\f6 lpG lSsG xWwX Q@q X Z%:X V6O U5O GgO"EKE)<Z`  .Gilligan's Island (Regroup, Support, Pressure).Gilligan's Island (Regroup, Support, Pressure)DTwo nets along goal line Two teams of two players Two relatively stationary players (Gilligans) at the points (variation: gilligans must go outside zone for neutral zone regroup) Players must pass to Gilligan(s) to transition to offense & both Gilligans are always on offense. Gilligans can only pass, they cannot shoot.J Ice HockeyZo?T Z:G  G  ^I>)O Y9Oj PpO  T`4@O 9_?X :qzZX"E$)E9>,7*U*erjH"swcTR*H77*E#X,Jul ulu?uuuuu]p0kZJJul`  Invaders from Mars (Breakout)Invaders from Mars (Breakout)tX vs. O, 2 v. 2 extra Xs and Os outside playing area as shown. X or O can make adirect, tape-to-tape pass in their defensive zone to extra player, who can then join the playing area as an extra attacker (to gain numerical superiority) until a turnover. Once a turnover occurs, player must again exit playing area. 30-45 second shifts Objective, quick breakout passes J Ice Hockey {YS { lvG lNnG t MDm$X 5uUX gX 6vVX O/X R<|r\O GgO O wO ) O"Kk`  Protect The Lanes{\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang1033\b\f0\fs17 Protect The Lanes\par } {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f1\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f2\froman\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}{\f4\fnil\fcharset2 Symbol;}} {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\sb100\sa100\cf1\fs17 Key Points: \line\pard{\pntext\f4\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf4\pnindent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}\sb100\sa100 Do not over commit \line\pard\sb100\sa100 Stick in the passing lane \line Prevent the pass into the slot \fs20\line\fs17 Keep puck on perimeter \line\line Puck starts on left wing half boards. \line Winger and two defenders move puck back and forth forcing defender to adjust. \line The defender does not attack puck but just keeps it outside. \line The slot man keeps moving with puck so as to create a passing option. \line Defender in slot must isolate the opposition slot man. \line\line This drill is an introduction to the patience and stick positioning required on PKs. \line The 4-on-2 setup is used to stress the 2 defenders. They have to be more active in their movement and recovery of positioning. \line You can add a second group on the other side of the end zone to maximize player involvement. \f1\fs24\line\cf0\f2\par \par \pard\f3\fs17\par } J Ice Hockey $$$O O J3J3J3X SSSX X X"E'EEDEh X iiiX X    X qqqO O O O G 111G Trenches (PK, deny support!)Trenches (PK, deny support!){\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs17 O v. X\par Os on outside of the "trench", Xs in the "trench"\par Os attempt to find passing lanes and pass throguh the trench to Os on the other side. O's can skate with the puck and must pick up the puck with speed (No stopping at the puck!!!!)\par \par Xs attempt to deny support, use "big down low," move stick back and forth and fill the passing lanes. One X player at a time may vacate the trench to apply forechecking pressure and try to force a bad pass.\par \par Play to three, Os score if they make successfull/undeflected passes across trech and Xs score for intercepting the pass.\par \par No indirect passing!\par } J Ice Hockey {YS {m Zme s'iHO T-ouNO f2tSO cO _O O + X Y%zX [%|X"C-Eu,C  `BOmECJbCA AAQQE , -Alcatraz (PK, hustle, deny support, pressure)-Alcatraz (PK, hustle, deny support, pressure) {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs17 Os on the perimeter and must stay on perimeter. They can only move to replace another player in that players former spot.\par Xs in tight box for PK must pressure the puck, but must return to original position before pressuring another player if puck is passed.\par Os can attack goal after five consecutive passes.\par Xs can attack goal if they steal the puck or intercept a pass.\par \par } J Ice HockeyZ. . MfmO LlO /oOO MmO wcO X RrX R5rX X"qAZA)EA|`  .Endline Rush 2 v 2 (D-side, pressure, support).Endline Rush 2 v 2 (D-side, pressure, support)Players positioned as shown go 2 v 2 in playing area between side boards and solid black line Coach dumps puck Os try to get and skate the puck across the goal line for a score Xs try to get puck and skate it past blueline for a goal Teams on defense without puck must pressure and deny support, offense must skate away from pressure and support. 30 seconds or until goal is scored. J Ice Hockey"Z. ._bjm .X  .X  M.-X I.iX  X  X ' X ] =X O B"O >~^O O W7O ,] =O 3s]S=O t]=O aC bC"+U@"AkV"w""x"Mwb"5uU"5"uLU7EzpEzmkh [4{X`  Elway (Pressure, support)Elway (Pressure, support)Teams play 3 v 3 in playing area between side boards and solid black line Osmust pass the puck from the playing area into the "end zone for a score Xs must do the same to their "end zone" Each team has a "goalie" who denys support of the goal line and who can also join the offense Teams on defense without puck must pressure and deny support, offense must skate away from pressure and support. 30 seconds or until goal is scored. J Ice Hockey {YS {t \j\ :zZX AaX AaX .:nzNZO UuO `O"ECo#ZED,5OZ O,$<N^O5VNUlE5OZEOJ X  K+X L(hlHX  J*O"n*  )\ <O $dDO,&]GAAGdG:DAAA<f<F1+&+6GL]&]GEs\R,# #pC# *Tary?X 8ary#X 5_aryJX`  GatesGatesX v. O Teams score by making clean, crisp, undeflected, tape-to-tape passes to teammate through a "gate" set of cones. Players can score as many times as possible by simply passing back and forth. Any team can score between any gate. Support and pressure are keys to this game. Teammates must skate away from pressure and support each other to score 30-40 seconds or until goal. J Ice Hockey .݀,D.X݀'S݀r݀;݀W ݀>jFT .$X 2I=X "9-O +@5O"/qPE|c,FM'' $:gMFFM',Ly yR. sLLyEGL Q *Gates with Support (Numerical Superiority)*Gates with Support (Numerical Superiority)pX v. O Teams score by making clean, crisp, undeflected, tape-to-tape passes to teammate through a "gate" set of cones. Players can score as many times as possible by simply passing back and forth. Any team can score between any gate. Teams can pass to teammates outside playing area to add a teammate and to gain numerical superiority 30-40 seconds or until goal. J Ice HockeyZ. .݀ JJ5u݀@k݀݀{f;݀\ ݀Fpf[; _?X Z:X oX oAaX eO emO )? O _?O"@-j UE(Ez,ajjW:|qaaj,v)p)pJvv)pE| | %eEX`  Get In This HouseGet In This HousesX v O (2v2 or 3v3 or 4v4) Players must work (skate or pass) puck into the enlarged crease in order to shoot on goal. Transition of the puck results in passing to coaches or extra players at point for regroup. Use hockey hoops if no goalie (bottom only!) Works on protecting the "high ground," regrouping, pressure and support. play duration 30-40 seconds or a goal J Ice Hockey {YS {CShapeSegmentFreehand)Bh #m$A))$yN") [#;X <g|\X k\|X"EfE },;kq kqGa$SF<4*f;;kqE}F qO/O l@ O U5O 4tTC 4tTC`  Triangle Goal GameTriangle Goal GameX v O (3 on 3 or 4 on 4) Teams attack all three sides of the goal (mini nets) Coaches support on transistions D must defend the high ground pressure and deny support. O must support and skate away from pressure. J Ice Hockey {YS {݀`݀\/q݀% D$X A_a?X EeX b5X O LlO O 0pPO"xPze E>eC !"aAC,!mJmJW%</!!mJ,| wa U6F]0||E!l<, **   *`  Ball Buster Ball BusterL1 v 1 and 2 v2 in the corner Nets facing corner, goalie in each net Coach throws puck into corner and Xs and Os BATTLE for the puck with controlled fanaticism! Extra Xs and Os support on the outside of the playing area marked by an line boxed around the corner. If players do not battle, they skate until they are ready to work.J Ice Hockey'Z. .eke IH('G 3uTG ]S~tX i O 7yXO 2tSO ~X X &FhGgX LmX .QpOrX $fEX X =^X !{cBO {O I(O : O -:oNO 5O AbC C"Lxb"F0"$A+"F[r:\"""z""9N8"]~,00000`  %Mulvey 1 v 1 (Goalies w/ Coach Hersh)%Mulvey 1 v 1 (Goalies w/ Coach Hersh)X v. O X has four pucks at his "goal line", which is drawn at the top of the circle. Os goal line is the real goal line. A playing area is drawn as shown to maintain confined space. X attempts to skate away from pressue of O and skate the puck past the goal line for a point. X tries to do this with all four pucks O attempts to pressure X, stop him from corssing his goal line and tries to steal the puck to score himself. No points for ties (puck out of area)J Ice Hockey Z. . cG c]=GEJ ? gJb"Pp"Pkp"P:dpO"U#u"Pp"Kgk|"K Jk5"Kk"U!Ku6"Uu"Uu"UYun D$X X SsX /5oOO :@ O /O,5/ xO(,)z[55/,%vk0eSkq`lFX3:)%%vk,0wEE'{0V~]00wE,v ?[q'Nvv,*'e1ehKA4! &*dJq:K1*'*'e1,R 0UxvfKx*hRR`  "D & Fs Down Low/ Wings 3 on 2 Deny"D & Fs Down Low/ Wings 3 on 2 Deny\Centers and D play 2 on 2 or 3 on 3 down low to work on pressure & support and WORK in low Dzone and low Ozone. Wingers go with other coach and work on 3 on 2 up highand especially work on denying support to the points. Coach tries to pas to points and wingers deny support. Goalies switch in down low game (maybe use two nets and two goalies)J Ice HockeyZ. .)) G";{[ aX 7fwWX gX EE%eO @`O  J*O x RW ?LW  @N`RD AI!LD /AoOaC"%eE`  Wally Cup 3 v 3 Straight UpWally Cup 3 v 3 Straight Upx1993 v 1992 3 on 3 change on the fly straight up principled ice hockey winner takes all, loser takes a long walk homeJ Ice Hockey! ZvF G yG vG iG P0X 4X T4X _kX eZ:X jX /9X X )iDI$X EeX 9X X  `@O O PhpO jO omO j!aAO O bO 0O W wO vrO urOZrB Low Blue Line Low Blue LineDX's are defending the net initially unless they gain controll, break the puck out, and regroup to attack on the same net. Rules: 1. X's start on their knees facing up ice just inside the blue line and O's start outside the blue line on their knees. 2. X's look to breakout the puck and regroup then attack against the O's 3. O's pressure the puck until they score or X's break the puck out. If the puck is not successfully broken out then C plays a new puck for O's to retrieve, regroup, and attack. Start with 3v3 then move to 3v4, 4v3, 4v4, 4v5, 5v4, and then 5v5  Ice HockeyZ. .55 G aC"O/ iCcX ^~O ]T}tO G'XCShapeArcFreehand2 8 8888i8-86222 8EV] T^>tO NB."O >O ,>lLO N.O&mm\A*&&m,M | | O * .Ngwl]MM |  L,X /X X X">~;^&".nN ShinnyShinny]7 vs 7 all out hockey. Decreases time and space and therefore increases decision making time J Ice HockeyZtD G tG ^=X 8zYX @Y8X /}qPX 2X yX WD#xX O NoO * O /qPO :O E$O lO`  3 on 3 STRONG PRESSURE3 on 3 STRONG PRESSURELine drawn across ice at face-off dots Os begin inside zone on knees Coach dumps puck Xs pressure while Os attempt to break puck out beyond face-off dots by skating or a controlled pass to teammates X must pressure strongly and quickly because the face off dot is very close IDea is to get X to skate hard and react quickly to passes instead of watching the play and allowing Os time and space to make plays. J Ice HockeyZ. . U5O RU5rO U15O O/O gO * O O ` X Q:zqZX aX aO/X EUe5C"Lva"E0""ZFv"7wW`  3 on 3 Down Low Support3 on 3 Down Low SupportZ2 v 2 X vs O Xs and Os must pass to support below the goal line before attacking the cage J Ice HockeyZ. . 4G G K)k O #O ) O S#3O D#dO 'gVG6O  \I<)X /oOX kX X X N.X  E5%O  O"+1k[KFEbb,1h616GZwph1h,F xYA|"fWFFEs; /X  UK5+X`  Colby 3 on 2 Confined spaceColby 3 on 2 Confined spaceX vs O 3 on 2 inside the key X and O support on the outside Transitions of possession must result in a pass outside of the key to support before attacking the goal 30 seconds or until a goal is scored J Ice HockeyZ. .Aw=cqIr}G}}wwww FafX @ X QqX   ``@@O :O X X *j@J X \<X bV6X 1QqQqO U5O 9O m?O !aAO`  15 second drill15 second drillXs attack 3 on 2 versus Os and they have 15 seconds to score for a point They attack for three different pucks for a total of 45 seconds For O to score a point they have to skate the puck out across the blueline J Ice HockeyZ. . qO O X X z,lLX"!"&!P;"!,e? eF '/e?e?,YY: Y,!YG YG1=6-%!h&@+1!YG,{{X5{,P `  Polar Bear Strong PressurePolar Bear Strong PressureX v O, O begins at blue line and Xs begin inside lined area on knees. Coach throws puck in, Os attack and pressure HARD, X attempt to skate puck out of lined area under control If O steals, they try to score a goal for a point. Play until points are scored or 45 seconds. Extra players await at blue line If puck goes out of lined area and no point is scored by defense, coach throws another puck in.J Ice Hockey! {YS {/ :  AbX 9%X {X sHiX s8X hX h6O hO heO b4O hO hiO ;}\C" mN-" ANm-W"I+("(jI"I Lj6"N\orE}n,]=]6 &+h4?>!V~nJ"(-=]=,i;Xii,:GG`@:G,dkR R{.mkkkpTu){ddkR,z/ /z z/   G G`  'Polar Bear Strong Pressure with Support'Polar Bear Strong Pressure with SupportTSame as regular Polar Bear Pressure except with support 4 on 4. O has a support man at the point, who cannot come into the lined area unless he has possession of the puck. X has a man denying support to the extra O and the extra X cannot come into the lined area unless his man enters with posession of the puck. 3rd Variation: 5 on 5.J Ice Hockey9Z. .O U XVxvX =Q}]qX .X zEeX u4X uX f@ X fO A|aO  J *O"Ww  :O orO j,lLO j%O P0C"Wl"+!U@" "]="&XP8;"\X8q   p"  X .X ZVzvX X !aAX p{O kN.O >O"K2 u ` %@e EO E0%O ,lLX X X PpO  I)O O ~U5C"7\wWq"7&wPW;"=}]"<"16[F"a1v G G`  PBear Pressure Modified!PBear Pressure Modified!65 on 5, high X & O must stay high unless they have the puck O scores pts for goals X scores points for carrying puck across mid line & carrying puck across blue line X can pass puck across mid line for no points and then high X can skate across blue for a point Pressure & Support are the names of the gameJ Ice Hockey {YS {k|p X /5X m,lLX :zZX 7_w?WX 3Z:O Y;9O @`O |:O [;O 5C"6`K"!$" %eEF zF zF`  Pittsburgh Ping PongPittsburgh Ping PongADraw a mid-line as shown only circled players can go over the mid-line X vs D-team 3 on 2 in each "zone." D team gets points for clean passes over the mid-line and a clean breakout out of the whole zone. X team scores by scoring a goal and by keeping the puck inside the whole zone once the puck passes the mid-line. J Ice Hockey {YS { C"&=P;"="7"8xX">~?^* uD4$RW UV6LW - X ,(lLX ?X bRD LD P?0C &|fFX  `@XAaP 0 (F[a)K@,P F0aPAV ; $FVP@V`  The Hizzle The HizzlesX vs O; O on outside of Hizzle to start, X on inside of Hizzle to start. O starts with the puck and they score points by: 1. Entering the House by skating or passing, but only1 or 2 Os can be in the house at one time 2. Scoring a goal X scores goals by: 1. Stealing puck 2. Breaking out of the zone with the puck Only 1 or 2 Xs can be out of the house at one time J Ice HockeyZ. . V/vX ) X A:aX X 4X r5uUO VkvO PpO O yO,f1I [)lF~j&JffE{E@`E$q,ÀJ EG J`  "D Agility & Forward 3 on 0 attacks"D Agility & Forward 3 on 0 attacksNeutral Zone: D working on skating backward and laterally with the puck and getting their head up to make passes. (weighted puck use) T pattern and D to D neutral zone pass support O-Zone: Forwards attack 3 on 0 versus goalie. They must score two goals for the game to be over. They cannot get the second puck until they score the first puck. Line that scores two goals in the least amount of time WINS! Each player must touch the puck at least once. Stress passing!! J Ice Hockey(Z. ."r<"<+ 'F +mLF F  G,mA   ,FQFLQFQEb$EP%,|A|A]-9|AZ,{ mD{}vY;{,wY; StD"hYodzzz7raiddz,e{3pxpee3e{3 }Dx  26HP]jlxxEdPm 3uTDMz^^X2U\Mz^Mz^,b< AbD"6^xWtE}ddEt 4CvUdG /qPC"* "/q0P"q"A+"0@\FZUpU`  Four Square Support PassingFour Square Support PassingIn a circle, create 4 quadrants as shown 3 players, 1 in each quadrant Players must either pass the puck to a teammate or skate to another quadrant and teammates must quickly react to ensure that the puck is properly supported on both sides. The quadrant next to the player with the puck should NEVER be left empty for more than a split second, so players must SPRINT into an outlet option position. J Ice HockeyZ. .P?M? DL|5`X IeX L5X"%$O:E@/),VVuV O 0hLO O5O"<?fQ,ALLLbG:GAAL,bQ N4ylcPF CnXF 4 lPF"|Ef,@@@0 Support and Pass RaceSupport and Pass RaceYBlack lines = sticks or cones or whatever obstacle Teams play against each other. Round 1, teams must pass the puck all the way around the circle and back before the other team completes the same task. Passers and receivers must move away from obstacles to gain a clear passing lane. Round 2, teams must make saucer passes over the obstacles J Ice Hockey {YS {  eWp, pX QqX QZ:qX k_?X ]}O NnO =?}]O ]O/}O""h[p,b|bb,1J1J1J1J1JE\k},gVlVaglgVl,1mrrrlrMm1r1mrE+Q\n,\X~~n\X\X~`  D Decision MakingD Decision Making^2 v 1, 2 D on O versus 1 pressure to start D must avoid pressure by skating away and passing until coach releases support and extra pressure Then game is played normally with O trying to gain possession of puck to score and defense tries to go on O and clear the puck out of the zone under control. Variation: 2 pressure men versus D to start. J Ice HockeyZ. . ,<|m\RD lQLD :/X "XAEd }n`?OdEEdAd dJ* y[;d 8dx#XRW _LWAr_T(|U)8w_rr_ [;C  >`@X ?`_X ?_X"Rr,mpm~ #@Zfpmp,FV/Fj%5V/FV/,m  mm E\{;E\`  Defense First!Defense First!PX attacks D and D try to break out past top of circles without any support. D-Zone Wingers await to support D upon the coaches command X D & Center await entrance to the game on coaches command Variation: Extra players join depending transition Extra 6 players: 3 pass the pugi puck & 3 pass & shoot on extra goalie at center ice. J Ice Hockey {YS { |@ D /DEE wX X oLW t]=RW (KhHkO yPpO rX8O nrO KkX X eUuD JjD,r{ )Hcr{r{"Gg,L[ 2HV[\SO5LL[, kb#C?%Q k k,;K5eA;K;KEL10`  Continuous 3 v 2Continuous 3 v 2X v O Team with puck (offense) has 3 skaters Team without puck (defense) has 2 skaters Play to 3 or 5 Dark jerseys vs light jerseys J Ice HockeyZ. .  "J*G GUg5G $dDX X X X X -mMO R2O  J*OA ";bBO G"bgBO "bBOAzM:"PpE)`  Continuous 2 on 3 X-IceContinuous 2 on 3 X-IceBX v O Offensive team in the O-zone always has numerical inferiority (2 on 3) Only 1 X and 1 O may cross the mid line at anytime. All others must stay on their side of the ice. Off ense in O zone MAY use "D-Zone" players for support. This will get the "D-zone" guys up and in the play! Works on Offense in D zone J Ice HockeyZIt eG ^~G P0X _?X !aAX ;{[X  A`@aO k\|O +kKO 5uUOA wR01 VtA5q ;{X @H5nCqqV55q"w LX8lX  VL,vX RrX y* LWA2n5nR252n5A 0-0-00 0 0-0"G'EXv`  Stickhandling: ThiefStickhandling: Thief]Zone 1: Thief 1. Xs in circle with 1 O attempting to knock puck off sticks and out of circle. X without puck can be support for pressured X with puck. Play until all pucks are out of circle. Thief 2. Xs with pucks, 2 Os without. Os try to steal pucks from X to become X. Players without pucks after 30 seconds lose and do pushups. Neutral Zone: Stick Handling Grids Zone 2: End Zones: Xs with pucks try to get to other side against Os without pucks. Os can steal and try to score on Os. Xs and Os who make it to the other team's boards score points. Switch offense and defense after 4 rounds. J Ice Hockey7 {YS { AkaX /X lX PpX X \4|O" qJ*":#dO""Qrq" X \c|X #\<X AWawX Q%qO O"bP0w""cx"XmCCj?y: \@|`X bX b6vVX gX m]=X mX fO 9O O V6O O !O"}Vk""AkV"""L7",7:VJV:%:;?EgJ7E7:VJV`" ,  6`Kz ,\\6 cRH^3;  ~V*\`  Corner BattlesCorner BattlesNet in normal position 2 on 1, winner goes to the net, work both sides simultaneously Os score to win & X passes to support to win (direct, not up the boards) Shark Attack X with pucks, Os without to start. Team that gets most pucks over end lines wins. Switch puck carriers J= Ice Hockey)Z. .AZL p^e+uDL@+ZL G 7CwWcX m8xXO RrO" K+"Mm }X O <E|\eO p@ C"Wl"+U@" ""-/ "1>[FEp E{eX K9kX `V6X [{X %eEO VvO hO O )%ieIEX 4LtTlX 4htTX EeX":.dO"\3q"x."3,=7hhYXXM`B=7=7h,=(iYI`9=(=(,I''{cII', ar g:gaagr ar`  Round 1Round 1:Speed Skate: Players skate around zone, outside cones for time. Fastest wins Powerade. Accu-Shot: Players shoot 10 pucks after receiving passes from alternating sides of the target. Most "goals" wins. Rapid Fire: Players shoot 5 pucks in rapid succession. Each player twice. Most goals and most saves wins. JE Ice Hockey,Z. .݀ d8݀i=݀݀2 MSntX, NmCNY@dmdiiidGdrhip0?P,`Sh|mmhh*hVbbb\L!6AXomHqL#iU9vbG5+#X. ;L{e^x9 Nm bX `bX O"Jk"""" "f" "~"">""ELZZ G"}P/"No"- "iO{e"D`p?Z >XZNW,z 9fNFXdotzzZAXS@'KXXAAAmmmAQ\\WWQ\AjWumuWodomjWumAjxjx}jxAmsmmAWm\\mWm`  Round 2Round 2Breakaways: Each player gets 10 breakaways. Most goals wins, most saves wins Speed Shot: Each player gets 4 shots at the net to get fastest recorder shot time. Fastest wins. Puck Control: Each player will skate twice through the cones with a puck. Fastest time wins. J} Ice Hockey Z. . S@3 X $G"QS{3f"S3"S3"N. "0NZ.E"^>"Y9"hS3}"<Sf3Q"S;3&, lvK 'tBRY/fl[ lAMZ  MZMfpZMZ  tX"]]=r"iXm"]r"]<rZa݀eOz$݀J݀avv݀aKvv݀.݀Gq.\ X,*1\I@))E`kK)}^:k*XIJpP^q+LuU=/%pI!d7>E 06* @`X`  Stations of Pain Stations of Pain G2 players per station 30 seconds doing drill & 30 second rest 1. Push Ups 2. Russian Shuttle Place pucks from one line to the other, stopping & starting 3. Figure 8 skate & pass (1 stationary passer) 4. Sit Ups 5. Cone shoot on goalie (goalie up & down) Get puck, skate to cones, stop & shoot Skate back to get another puck, stop, then go to cones and shoot 6. 1 on 1 with goalie 1 partner plays offense for 30 seconds, then next partner plays offense for 30 seconds 7. Stickhandling course (cones/tires) Stickhandle through cones (J Ice Hockey7Z.]2bsIImch݀6a݀c"<Wf7Q"W07"R2"R2"S,VsA"S*s"Ss,+ &++~+V&*&+1Z @,  3Z :zZG  G VEveX {O",kk>k,pPP.ppP;h; R2X"X8 H(O`SI SN?)2CI>.{h``SI,f~Uf|*U~f~U{ [u@[&1$ $-L{o{,pppE 'EY݀f݀'J݀uJ݀Nkxc݀^Zs/ O pX",mJ%HssTB7\PZ{P5%oZ"=gR"! "r_t""Oyd X,hw ,F\vwhhw,QxWxWYQ8QWWQxW`  Passing DrillsPassing DrillsOne End: 2 on 2 in circles. Moving, passing, puck protection Middle: Extra guys work on passing Other End: 2 on 2 on goalie J Ice Hockey L`lX X !5aAX SsX [Z;:O O""Gq\ WwO  yJ*O )iIX r9X  ;I{)[O 9 O 5G"9`  Keep Away into Touch Up 4 on 4Keep Away into Touch Up 4 on 46One team sits. Team that scores stays 1 minute shifts J Ice Hockey {YS { 1 G -O O  \4O };O (X f>X vX X"n EA<`  Pie drill & BreakawaysPie drill & Breakaways+Support puck on both sides, sprint to space J Ice Hockey {YS {QEH: BI(cX D#X _'O"8dN X,X/XXE8S  O )kJO  O.O"dz T4uX G R1X"]+W~A"]~"]~,pDa3 - X`  Face off into 5 on 5 in ZoneFace off into 5 on 5 in ZoneHX must breakout and score in net at center ice (net facing opposite end) J Ice Hockey'8W . O ) O 6vVO ;{[X ;{)[ X ;6{v[VX O/X A@ aX EeO AaO @G`  Shift by shift Intensity GameShift by shift Intensity GameX v O, coaches time each shift time of possession. Teams score points by scoring, winning shots on goal + winning time of possession battle. Play 3, 10 minute games to determine 3 winners J Ice HockeyZ. . XyG NoG \>}X WxX V\w}X xX srX m%gFX 9O O aO hO h`O hU4O"A+ 0 rQC  C`  Raider 5 on 5 Raider 5 on 5`O v X, O starts with possession. Game is 3 on 3 down low and offense can use points as support. If X gains possession, they pass to support on top of the "key" and they are then on offense and can attack the net. Again X can use points outside the key for support. On transitions, only offensive team can come outside the key to support points. JP Ice Hockey {YS { ~X ;(}\X OpX BccO !cQB0O  IN(-O"n @aX E Nf-O @9{aZO  KJ*)X`  5 on 5 Transition5 on 5 TransitionX begins on D defending net O begins on Offense attacking net If O gets possession, they must breakout past line and clear zone. O must stay inside (5 on 2 up top) Offense can pass to points, but only 1 X is allowed outside of box. J Ice HockeyZ. . $G }X &fFX 1qQX /#oOX * X bO ,lLO  J*O"}[p 5uUO `5O`  Wally Cup Game #1Wally Cup Game #13 on 3, points for goals and scoring chances (shots from inside the "house") Shots rom outsdie the house do not count as shots. Shots on goal from inside the house gets 1 point and goals from anywhere get one point 1993 v. 1992 J Ice HockeyfZ{ k; uiG dG sBcX s'X sX xOpO sE$O sO_$)dcX$$$* AbX W6X X >O j)kJO EfO"`  Vanilla Passing and ReceivingVanilla Passing and ReceivingPair up and pass and receive. Pass & Receive w/movement. Three man passing game, pass to all three around the horn once then back. First team to do it wins. Losers skate. Warm Up goalies J Ice Hockey  {YS { %G 3X O X @aX uO :|[OE EEa[ /9qPX =^X H:iX ]Z~{O iO Y3zOEE94Ed^E1E JE]E":" K*"Ef"*lAK+"Ef  bACZ  `  Chilkoot Pass Chilkoot Passh2 on 2 inside box, use support on outside, must pass to support before attacking. Continuous transition J Ice HockeyZ. .4::: * G Z:X 9Z:X UVuvX @`X &fFX \Z|:O PpO KrkO O O &|fFX &fFX \|O O`  TrenchesTrenchesZ5 on 4 PP situation X plays a tight box and one X can go out and pressure at a time, but they muct return to the box before pressuring again. 1 O at a time can go into the box if the puck is outside. Pts= X breakout & O goal 5 on 3 Triangle Trench Same as above except triangle configuration Variation Regroup = switch attack and defenders J Ice HockeyZ. .u{{67{1 LlX \) |X  X xX 7wWO 5uUO {_?O * O O, &84`EUj|L v/X :6zvZVX 4tTX ND.$O )i IO 5O O WwO" >)"$dFD1`  2 on 2 Decision Game2 on 2 Decision GameTeams are positioned as shown to the side of the net. On a whistle, the coaches each pass a puck to the opposite team in front of them and the teams attack the opponent's goal 2 on 2. Players must make the decision whether to attack 2 on 0 or 1 on 0 and keep one player back to help defend with the goalie. The other team may go two on zero or one on one as well, creating different scenarios. If a goal is scored, the team that scored can transition to defense and help defend their goal. If they steal the puck they can try to score another goal. Thus 1, 2 or no goals can be scored on each shift. Once the puck goes out of the playing area, it must stay out J Ice Hockey'~9N B1 9 yKY+X 4tTX  8K+X 8X Q1X X 0_?O 0O 1%qeQEO 1qQO l*jJO l#O &fFC >) C"3""" 4"*T?"g "bF1"%""Qq eG GED/?E6VE,\` 4 `A*s\\Aa1,,@a2,2:,ESZzn -$L@a,@a,Iw. [#HkA:avlAEA`  Call For It Call For IthGame is set up as shown with nets facing each other and teams competing 3 on 3. Whenever a puck leaves the playing area, the player that comes toward the coach and calls for the puck will be passed the puck and can attack on offense. The shift continues for 45 seconds or until a goal is scored. The team that is scored against must do push up or sprints. J Ice Hockey~YZ)~m mm m  &+ C""F0"a%"w""Ef":%|Q[; B'!X <X W<xX FgX CQdrX :0|r[QX 3O O P /O p1O $1fEO 1O G E$G`  Buzz Saw{\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang1033\b\f0\fs17 Buzz Saw\par } ~{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs17 Play 3 v 3 with support players in corners\par \par Coach send puck in and teams work for shot on net. 2 passes must occur before a shot can be taken. All the time a D player patrols the blue line and is an additional support player. The defensive player can't go below the tops of the faceoff circles.\par \par If a turnover occurs, the team on defense must make a pass to the coach and then may transition to offense.\par \par Focus on: Quick passes, supporting the puck carrier, & quick shots.\par } J Ice Hockey, GÀc cwT+|eÀ ^[ |[ 3& Vr VOVOVOX ???X zzzX cccO $$$O RfRfRfO 696969DA6M1A4$1 X X kkkX HHHX )))X X O YYYO !!!O O O GGGO $$$C"WWW"ppp""YYY"ppp"""""")))"E)4E|E=sZJR Blackhawk{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang1033\b\f0\fs17 Blackhawk\par } {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs17 Play 3 v 3\par \par One player on each side is stationed in their offensive zone corner, \b they may not leave the corner!!!!\b0\par \par A puck is sent in. The team with possession must move the puck to the support player (in the corner) before shots can occur.\par \par Focus on: Quick transitions from offense to defense, starting offense behind the net, moving the puck to a safe area of the ice, moving below the goal line to get open, maintaining possession instead of camping out in front of the net.\par } J Ice Hockey+))Z)À b beÀeeÀ [   | [ÀFFJÀ,,, exO {O xOydO <'O O O LvaO |X }CmXX D/X X X X 8N[xIcX AdRX (bK9wX nO  7"O"@@@ {G u! G  5 C"KKK"fff"KKK"DDD"ppp"""""A/ED~ Russian Delay{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\b\f0\fs17 Russian Delay\par } {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs17 Play 3 v 3\par \par Team with possession can't take a shot until every player on their team has crossed the center line. If the puck is cleared, teh offensive team must vacate the zone and regroup. Teams must make at least one pass before shooting.\par \par Focus on: Quick transitions, joining the attack quickly, forechecking, delaying the puck to allow teammates to gain the offensive zone.\par } J Ice Hockey$((Z( {F~bX {7X ~X X MiX K)gX D4rl[PX < X h G r% Gj y7O K~dO sO" b~O 0hLO ( O O gO 1iMO C"###"AAA"&&&""""""Et`